Friday 3 August 2018

How to Configure LDAP Server Profile

How to Configure LDAP Server Profile

by bnelson on ‎03-05-2013 10:09 AM - edited on ‎06-26-2018 03:19 AM by (39,020 Views)


  1. Click Device.
  2. Under Server Profiles, click on LDAP.
  3. Click Add to bring up the LDAP Server Profile dialog.
  4. Enter Server name, IP Address and port (389 LDAP).
  5. Select LDAP server type from drop down menu. Enter the Base Distinguished Name for the domain. Enter the Bind DN and Bind Password for the service account. Uncheck SSL checkbox (SSL can be used if the Domain Controller will listen for LDAP SSL on port 636).

  6. Commit changes.

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